Our Knights



“Then ye shall be a knight of the round table…”

Knights of the round table were men of courage, honor, dignity,courtesy and nobleness. They protected ladies and damsels, honored and fought for kings and undertook dangerous quests.

Each investor of George 54 humbles me,  they are part of my round table and contributors to my dream.

Sir Galahad 

“Put me down as investor number #1 my friend. Love your business acumen, love your ideas n love you brother :)”

sir galahad - 343

( above image sourced from google images)

The Lady Of The Lake  – the woman who offered King Arthur his sword.

“…the faith i have in you is something i can’t explain, but great, from the very first time I met you.”


(above image sourced from google images)

Sir Percivale 


( above image sourced from google images)

Above Historical information sourced from History, Legend and Everything In Between. King Arthur and The Knights Of The Round Table

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