The Power Of Yes

My current job has me experiencing a lot of NO.

It’s something I try and not take personally, but doing so is sometimes a challenge when yes is what fuels what is next for me and my dream.

It’s one thing to own your own business, it’s another to build it, and in building it, to then ask for donations to move a business model to the next level.

I don’t have time to think of failing. I keep working day in and day out and just keep grinding, but its some times bloody tough to stay positive.

I have been inviting individuals to invest in George 54, and many in these last months have been willing to give which has gotten us this far.

Currently though my pool of individuals is dry and I have found myself at a local bank.

Today is the day they give my application a look and I am hoping for a yes!

Restaurants are a risk for banks. Bad locations, poor management, and other circumstances often have these establishments fail. Since my first go around and project was such a win, I feel confident that what I am striving for is so different and well conceived that the bank will fund it.  Fingers crossed the bank loves the business plan and concept and makes the loan.

The road is hard I will not lie, the current stress of even my most basic bills and wondering how I am going to pay them is hard on me.  Sure the odd side jobs work…but I do ponder my life at times and have big questions about my direction, especially when I try to get part time jobs and the employer wonders what the hell is going on when they see my resume.

If I am truthful I had hoped I would have had George up and running by now and not be having this type of worry or stress.

I have been spending time at the gym.  Each time I go I feel stronger, those personal results remind me that each day doing something, even something small, can make a difference. I am fortunate to have some really great people around me that believe in what I am doing. They too are helping me get through these trying times and like me have belief in the power of yes.

Deep Sigh.  Focus. Don’t ever lose sight of why you are doing what you’re doing. Hard for me not to, I bloody love the Bus. And if you don’t love it, figure out what you do love and change paths. Don’t sit on someone else’s dream by staying in a job you hate, if you aren’t happy its OK to figure out ways to change your role and figure out what will make you happy.

Perhaps you are an individual seeking to invest?

I’d love to have you be part of what I am up to.

Let’s talk!!


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( © images by karen hanrahan – used w/ permission )

What It Takes To Make George Into A Food Truck.

I am not sure where I get the strength some days to battle the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur.

All I know is I that have a dream and that I want to live it.

There are many sacrifices made upfront which involve  volumes of time and input to get to the final goal.

With George’54  we have to do a complete build out on an older British vehicle and turn it into something it wasn’t exactly made to do.


This takes a lot of calls to England for knowledge and expertise when it comes to George,  as well as brainstorming with a fellow bus lover and colleague in PA.

The project takes some very carefully drafted plans and the work of Cad Students at the Bloomington High School Career Center. 

I am single handedly raising capitol for this crusade.  One investor at a time.  This effort is painstaking, takes a strident amount of my time and continues to humble me.

August – October, as we secured funds, we removed all the benches, stripped all the paint off the ceilings, sanded and refinished original wood floors, and began to rebuild the base of the stairs sourcing restored pine from Old House Society.

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The fun stuff like installing cooking equipment and hand crafting pine tables will happen later.

We’ve been polishing the aluminum ceilings, and buffing the exterior paint ( re: the paint — might seem super tedious – and it is – but it’s going to save us the $ of an exterior paint job. )

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Upstairs will require: an interior paint job, plus HVAC.

Downstairs will require: plumbing, electrical, hood fabrication, and refrigeration.


Should be simple enough right??

images by Photographer Karen Hanrahan ( used w/ permission) 

Why Double Decker Buses?

You could not imagine my face when I first saw Victoria, a sexy big red Double Decker Bus sitting in the front of Jumers Chateau in Peoria, IL  ten years ago…a smile so big, I was grinning like a cheshire cat. I am originally from England, Bristol as a matter of fact, and spent my youth traveling on these great machines, from family trips to getting absolutely slushed down at the pub! Many years on I would have never guessed I would be fanatical about bloody Buses. But here I am, having owned Victoria and repurposing her into an extremely loved foodtruck.  I am now on a new quest to repurpose George’54 and set off in the sunset!

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So why Double Deckers??  They are really are a great piece of history, a piece of my home country here in the US.  Love the imagination and all the stories, from imagining all the people who have ridden the bus, to and from work, down to the pub, to the city center.  Imagining  the driver, who every day had the enjoyment of driving these gorgeous beasts. A double decker bus brings a smile to young and old where ever you tells a story of the good old days and is just a reminder there were simpler days before the technology boom!

Converting A Double Decker Bus Into A Food Truck