About Steffan


About Steffan.


Where to begin….

Born in Bristol England in 1966, my father left us at a very early age and I was the eldest of three children.  My mother… a remarkable strong woman has been a guiding light for me.  She is a person I shall always admire, her courage and sincerity have been a goal of my very own to accomplish, respect and honesty were taught to me at an young age.

I had a great upbringing, my mother was the local youth club manager so most of my evenings were spent hanging around the youth club entertaining, I feel this is why I have the passion for the hospitality business. I was awarded Hospitality Man Of The Year by the Bloomington Normal Chamber for three years 2002-2005 !!

Back in 1987 I had decided to see the world,  since foreign languages sounded bloody awful with a Bristolian accent I decided to fly west to the Land of Hope and Glory. Looking back now, what the hell was I thinking? I knew no one! Not a single contact in the US. I had fun times traveling and meeting some great strangers, whom are still good friends today.  I happened to end up in Bloomington IL, of all places,  where I began to develop my career, get married and build a family.  I have two healthy and beautiful children.

As far as my career has gone, I am still loving the hospitality world and find that I love owning and operating my own scenario rather than working for some one else! I have had the pleasure of running several successful establishments in the community..and have built quite an impressive acquaintance list of friends and references.

I have 14 years of food management at places like Central Station Café  ( I created the communities first martini bar formerly known as the loft) To establishments like The Medici and Chili’s.  I dabbled a bit in Real Estate, but turns out that just wasn’t my cuppa tea. My last two years of existence has been an especially proud part of my life in Bloomington. I started and created Two Blokes and a Bus,the very first food truck in the area, on an English Double Decker Bus.  I assisted city officials and helped implement the new guide lines for food trucks in the Twin Cities so that others could sell their street food. I dedicated time to assorted newer food truck operators on how to start up and get them coming on the scene. Love to see everyone succeed!

Posts I’ve authored: 

Why Double Decker Buses?

What It Takes To Make George Into A Food Truck?




images by Photographer Karen Hanrahan ( used w/ permission)



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Converting A Double Decker Bus Into A Food Truck